"New Horizons in Drug Delivery"
XVth Spanish-Portuguese
Conference on
Controlled Drug Delivery
FEB. 14-16th 2024 - LISBON, PORTUGAL
Important dates
Deadline Abstract submission -
Deadline Submission of thesis + 3 min video for the PhD thesis award -
Abstract acceptance communication -
Deadline Early registration
The Spanish-Portuguese Local Chapter of the Controlled Release Society (SPLC-CRS) is proud to announce the XVth SPLC-CRS Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery! After four years since our last in-person conference (the XIVth edition was held online in 2022), our community will be again together in February 2024 in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal.
The event is organized by the board of the SPLC-CRS with the support of the University of Lisbon and the Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa).
Specific topics of the conference include:
- Precision medicine
- 3D printing: from drug delivery to testing
- New materials for drug delivery: Advancing chemistry, manufacturing, and controls of novel drug delivery systems
- Delivery of macromolecules
- Drug delivery for immune modulation
- Potential of AI and other computational tools in drug delivery
- Microenvironment, cellular and intracellular targeting
- Translation of drug delivery products and technologies