A registration is mandatory after abstract acceptance. Please download the abstract template (.docx) and follow all formatting instructions listed therein.
The abstract file (.doc/.docx format) should be saved using the following ID as file name: “Abstract_Name Surname” (eg. Abstract_María Silva).
Each participant can submit only one abstract.
Presentation Guidelines
Oral Talks
Oral Talks must not exceed 10 minutes in length, and will be followed by 5 minutes discussion.
Flash presentations
Flash Presentations must not exceed 3 minutes in length, and will be followed by 2 minutes discussion.
Poster size is A0 (Width: 84.1 cm Height: 118.9 cm) (it has to be vertical due to the poster holder format).
Important dates
Deadline Abstract submission -
Deadline Submission of thesis + 3 min video for the PhD thesis award -
Abstract acceptance communication -
Deadline Early registration
In case of problems with abstract submission or registration please contact us at SPLC.CRS2024@gmail.com